Monday, 21 February 2005

Time Flies by when you are a driver of a train

Where has the last week gone, it has flown by. (Beer, DVDs and PES 4 mostly)

Not much to report. Still haven't done anything about the Cases of Conscience video idea. Might do this, might not.

Song formally named NB, may have some lyrics at least with for two of the three verses. I have some old lyrics called Tabanid, (a blood sucking fly), which seem to fit the verses. But the chorus lyrics don't fit the music chorus I have, so one of them will have to change. The general concept of the lyrics, is about a mate of mine who had a stalker a few years ago. She was really annoying. The other problem (I've just noticed, since I'm listening to it now), is it might need to change key as well, so total re-recording may be needed. (This is why it takes me so long to finish things).

I'll keep you posted. I'm off to play PES4 on the XBox.


The subject is from a Half man half biscuit song.

Sunday, 13 February 2005

Snow in February

Humm.. It's been snowing. Luckily none of it stuck. Not a fan of snow at all.

Cases of Conscience is now on the Hair Thieves Website. (Haven't finished the video though)

(Link now dead)

Check it out and post comments (I may even stuck some of the comments in the review section).


Saturday, 12 February 2005

The Weekend Starts Here

Saturday morning and Dick and Dom have finished so thought I'd best log on. Went out on the pop last night and I'm feeling quite good today.

Finished an initial version of Cases of Conscience and entered it into a competition. I should be working on the video now, but I'm writing this.

I'll post the various links in the next few days....

Finished Halo 2 the other night, the ending was a bit of a dissapointment, but I have Sonic the Hedgehog now to play.

Read a book this week on how to promote your band. Which was interesting.



Saturday, 5 February 2005


Humm... Hello... Hummm... (Not a good start).

Ok the aims of the blog is to keep anyone remotely interested what is happening with the Hair Thieves and general comments on love, life and what's happening in Telford and the rest of the world.

I'll endevour to post regularly, at least weekly.

Right current state of play......

May 2003 the Hair Thieves gets set the challenge to release an albums worth of music by May 2004. This is mostly due to it being then available for the wealth of people Chris knows whose birthday is around that time of year.
May 2004 no album appears.
The Hair Thieves do however release 3 songs in 2004. (two of which you can hear on this site, the other can be found on the Hair Thieves site). Chris then promptly moves house and all music ceases for several months.

Jan 2005 - With the home studio ready, the Hair Thieves embark on a new set of songs.

Feb 2005 Chris starts this blog. Currently there are several new songs in various states of completion.

1) Cases of Conscience. An instrumental which forms the starting act of a much longer piece (possibly 2 or 3 acts). Currently being recorded for release end of Feb.
2) NB. Musically mostly there, just waiting for divine lyrical inspiration. Called NB at the moment since I needed a folder to put it in and pressed those two keys. TBD
3) Sweet Lemon Mechanism. The intro is mostly there. Lyrics are started. TBD
4) Anime Girl, music and lyrics are in progress. Problem is it is starting to sound like a bad eighties rock tune. Needs major re-vamping

There is probably another couple....

Right I'm off to the pub.... (Shame I'll probably miss Tin Omen tonight).