Sunday, 26 March 2006

Daylight Savings time

Well, its the end of the month, so I thought a small update was in order as to the progress of EP2.

The instrumental is going well. E has put his guitar tracks down now and we've spent a couple nights this week, going through my ideas and trying to work out what goes and what stays. It has been a real pleasent experience. I believe we mostly have my parts worked out, I just need to practice them, until I can play them without mistakes, since the nature of the effects on them, means I probably won't be able to fix any mistakes later....

Lyrics are going slowly for the track we have music for, I'm mostly having difficulty with trying to ignore the very melodic bass line and come up with a counter melody that I can actually string a sentence into.

The rest is temporarily on the backburner, now E is away during the week.


Saturday, 11 March 2006

Time Flies by when you are a driver of a train

Ok a quick roundup of the last month. EP1 has been released and we have totally sold out of copies. We may make some more at a later date? We have had some very positive feedback from the vast majority of people who have heard it.

If you didn't get a copy, iIt is available to download for a small fee from


Work has begun on the next EP. The aim to get this finished and released by the end of May, (maybe end of June knowing us).

At present we have a half written instrumental, which we will start recording properly tomorrow, a complete track minus (some) lyrics and a rough demo of a collaboration that took place last August between myself and the singer/drummer of Cornish band The Dedheds. We are just waiting for the singer to record his drum and vocal parts.

Ian has gone and got him self a nice new job, although this means that he will be spending the vast majority of the next year in Cardiff training.

So the plan for the next twelves months will revolve around us mostly writing new material for more EPs and the album. Plans to start gigging and expanding the lineup in the summer have been put on hold as we see how the next few months pan out.

We have been offered an acoustic gig sometime soon, which we have started rehearsing for. So a few acoustic gigs over the next year might be the way forward, depending on work commitments.
