Well, I've been away to, mostly rainy, Cornwall for a week. To be fair the weather was just what I needed. It meant I could actually get some work done...
I managed to read three books, watch several Anime series, write some lyrics, learn php and MySQL and visit the family. All in all a successful week.
We've spent some time this weekend recording "The Mighty Fall" for EP 2. E has recorded part of his guitar track and I've been playing with some recording techniques and not really finishing anything. Plus slightly struggling with the free time of the ending, which is throwing me slightly.... (Need more practice).
I spent some time with Tim (who co-wrote the track) during the week and he has informed me he has changed his band's name from "The Dedheds" to "The Evan band". His Myspace site is up, but hasn't any content. I'll post the link soon.
We also spent part of this afternoon working on a track for the next EP. A little acoustic number, with some guest lyrics. More details to follow as things take shape.