Thursday, 31 August 2006

EP2 out now!

The new EP has been released this week. This is imaginatively titled EP2

It features 4 tracks

1. Shorewards

2. The Mighty Fall (feat. Tim from The Evan Band )

3. Baited Breath

4. E Weird (feat. Simon Mann on bass)

The new EP can be purchased for download for the pricely sum of $2.99 from our DEADLINK store. You can also buy it bundled with EP1 for $4.99

We have had some very nice things said so far about the EP, which is nice. If we get any reviews I'll put them on the site.

We had this posted about "E Weird" by Martin on Garageband

"A whole song created with guitar is not exceptional. But this one is. I really, REALLY like it. The melody is breathtaking and the performance of both bass and guitar is above standard. The guitars sound is gentle and warm, the sound is like early 90's post rock bands like my bloody valentine, tortoise, mogwai and sigur ros. The reason why I like this kind of music is because it is a perfect soundtrack for being calm and relaxed. It's instrumental and the production is warm and dreamy. I love this kind of music and i really love this song. Great work."

We have very few physical copies of the CD left. Message us if you want a copy and we'll see if we can come to some financial arrangement. ha ha.



Thursday, 17 August 2006

Getting there slowly

EP2 is currently mostly mixed. The aim is to get it finished this weekend. Live with it for a week, then make the disks and put it on the net.

We are just waiting for one part from a special guest to arrive at the weekend and we can start mixing the last track properly. Then there are a few bits and bobs to do and then it should be done.

E has done a great job of the cover. Subtle indeed.

I might try and post a song (or two) on the myspace site sometime in the next week.

The track listing is as follows

1. Shorewards

2. The Mighty Fall (feat Tim from The Evan Band)

3. Baited Breath

4. E Weird (feat ???)

We will be producing a very limited amount of CD-Rs of the EP, some of which might be made available for purchase in a few weeks. It will also be downloadable from one or more websites (like Soundclick).

Once the EP is out, work will start in earnest in finishing writing and start recording the Hair Thieves album. This will probably include Apotemnophilia from EP1, (though this will be re-recorded), Shorewards from EP2 and eight or nine brand new songs.

It will not include any Hair Thieves material previous to EP1.

The other aim is for a new website design. At the moment, part of this redesign will mean the tracks currently available for free download are removed and put in a secure area that only the mailing list can download from. We might also make available "work in progress" mixes of the new songs.

We might allow (some of) them to be streamed from other sites though. So grab them whilst you can or join the mailing list.

We shall see.

As E stated in his blog, after a few aborted attempts at putting some lyrics to a tune we recorded last year (known as "Fuzzy"), he farmed the lyrics out to Guy, (who co-wrote with E "Break the Casino" on EP1). Guy has sent us a great acoustic version of the song now called "The New Opportunist" which I'll see if I can post at some point, so people can compare it with the final version.



Saturday, 12 August 2006

Mix a my toe, Sis?

Just a quick update: Spent a couple of hours with Rollasoc mixing the tracks for EP 2. Almost there now and they are sounding rather good.

On the gear front I have just bought a Line6 Crunchtone overdrive pedal which will go on my "B" board. Also put a few distortion pedals up for sale.


Sunday, 6 August 2006

Chaos @ the Urn

After much careful thought and several rewrites, we have finally decided that the lyrics for the song formerly known as Fuzzy were simply not good enough. Fortunately I had foreseen this being a problem and many weeks ago sent a copy of the music to my old friend Guy. As I hoped, he has come up trumps with a fantastic set of lyrics and an acoustic demo to boot. The song will now be called The New Opportunist and will feature on either EP 3 or the album, or maybe both.

I have some time off now so I can give Rollasoc a hand with the mixing of EP 2, ready for release at the end of the month. I have also found time to do the artwork and am pleased to report that it continues with the theme from EP 1. Maybe one day the frogs will return.