Friday, 29 December 2006

Live At Last

So, we did it, our first brief live performance. Went pretty well although I think our nervousness was apparent in the first song. There are some pics on the main page HERE .

What else? Well I also picked up an order for a booster pedal which will be the first pedal I have built in a while. Hopefully now that I am at the end of my driver training I will be able to devote a bit more time to pedal building. To that end I have also started work on re-housing and modding a wah pedal for Rollasoc.

During the dead (and, frankly boring) time between Christmas and New Year I have been working on a song and have pretty much finished the music - just need Chris to come up with some lyrics. I have recorded this one by mic'ing up the Valve Jnr. and I'm pleased with the results.

Happy New Year,

Friday, 22 December 2006

Shock, Horror and Christmas


Here is a brief end of year round up / hopes for next year type thing.

It's been a very strange year indeed. We had a rough plan at the start of the year of what we wanted to achieve. Some of which we achieved, some of which we didn't.

New jobs, house moves, bereavements, relationship implosions etc seem to have conspired against us this year.

We managed two of our three planned EPs. EP3 has been mostly written, but is waiting to be recorded. The proposed album is probably, (and I guess) 50% written and this will probably be our main focus in the coming months.

We did the first Hair Thieves live perforance since 2002 this week at an open mic night at The Lounge in Bridgnorth.

We did three songs, Break the Casino, Apotemnophilia and a cover of The Connells song 74 -75. Not much, but at least it is a start.

So hopefully, we'll do a lot more of that, get the album fnished and the next EP out and then search to expand the line-up so we can do some full gigs.

Shame Christmas has got in the way, I think the next few months are going to be rather exciting. I'm rather looking forward to it.

Hope you all have a very happy Christmas and an excellent new year.


Tuesday, 19 December 2006


......we are off to play a short acoustic set at a bar in Bridgnorth. Woo hoo!

Thursday, 7 December 2006

The winter Chills

Quick update.

I've now moved house, out of Telford, and I'm in the midst of wiring up the studio in the spare bedroom. This is going slowly due to a) other house things to sort, b) other social commitments c) been putting it off since it is a pain to do. Been doing a little bit each day, so hopefully by the weekend I can start recording again.

E has sent me a new song he has been working on, in the meantime.

E and I checked out a local (to me) Open Mic night a couple of days ago. Hopefully at the next one we will either get up and play a few tunes together or I'll get up on my own. (Depends on E's work pattern).

So we are going to rehearse this weekend, ready to ramp things up again in the new year.

