Sunday, 24 August 2008

Onwards And Upwards

After our recent tour of Bridgnorth, we have reconvened to discuss what to do next.

We spent a couple of hours the other night, going through some of the 19 or so songs we currently have in progress (or ready for mixing) and drinking tea and watching videos on You Tube.

So this coming weekend we are going to start working on EP4 in earnest.

We will keep to the rough formula of previous EPs. Namely, new song, collaboration, old Song re-recorded, instrumental.

So at the weekend we will re-record the old song.

The new song (is actually a couple of years old now, but won't say what it is yet), was played at the recent gigs. It just needs new vocals. (and possibly re-record Claire's guide backing vocals). By the way it is also a collaboration with a regular Hair Thieves contributor.

I have an idea for the instrumental. I have a week off in November, so will attempt to write and record the song in a day (much like I did with Boeotia on EP1). (hopefully, my week off will coincide with E's so we can spend some time recording each day).

We think we now have enough songs ongoing to finally finish the album. The biggest issue at the moment, is the lack of lyrics, I've drafted in a previous collaborator to write the lyrics for one heavy song on the album, once we have a coherent demo version.

Bar that, I may have inadvertently ordered a new pedal. Which I'm pretty excited by. It should be fun to play with live at least. (and may be the main thing used on the new EP4 instrumental).

So, all things are good in the Hair Thieves camp and I'm quite excited about where things are going.



PS, My PC dies the other week, so the website hasn't been updated with images from our recent gigs yet. I'm working on it though.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Yeah Baby Yeah

EP 3 can now be purchased in both physical form and download form from CDBaby

Last night we had our first Hair Thieves gig, supporting Guns for Girls. I think it went ok. We had a few technical issues with the PA system which made it a bit difficult at times, but in a funny way.

Hopefully, some photos and maybe some video of it will be posted soon, once I've rounded it all up.

We have two more gigs this weekend.

On Sunday we are playing with SheBanng at The New Inn at Bridgnorth. The event runs from 2pm to 6pm. We will be on at 5:45, for 30 minutes.

On Monday, we are playing at the Quayside in Bridgnorth (next to the bridge), we are on at 12:40 for 40 minutes.



Saturday, 9 August 2008


After many false starts, delays, and procrastination, EP3 is finally done and dusted (Track listing ) . I spent a happy couple of hours printing the CDs yesterday and Chris has spent even longer burning the CDs and printing the labels. You would not believe how tedious this process is.

As before, we mixed and mastered in a surprisingly short time and the results are pleasing; to my ears anyway. Now if only we could get the writing and recording done in an equally short timescale........

3 acoustic gigs coming up this month which more than exceeds our usual annual allocation.

Other news: I hit a cow with a train.


Friday, 1 August 2008


Finally, EP3 is finished. Only about eighteen months later than we said / hoped it would be.

Over the last two weeks, we have had a couple of sessions to mix it. Our guest backing singer came in and added icing to the cake. We was both really happy with her contribution to the track.

Then on Monday we mastered the whole thing.

The track listing for EP3 is:

1. The Beguiled (featuring Claire Francis from Francis-Bell)
2. A Journey of the Soul (cowritten with E's sister Stella)
3. Bad Consumer (written by E and Guy from Red Star Radio with slightly amended lyrics)
4. Spheno Palatine Gangleoneuralga

A very limited run of physical CDs will be created for this and should be available for the gigs in August.

It will also be made available to download from Soundclick and possibly a few other sites. More details to follow.

We will upload some of it to Myspace over the weekend, for your listening pleasure.

As I said in the last Blog, we have three acoustic gigs booked for August.
August 21st - The Black Boy (Bridgnorth) supporting Guns For Girls
August 24th - The New Inn (Bridgnorth) supporting SheBangg (afternoon gig I think)
August 25th - The Quayside (Bridgnorth), part of the Bridgnorth Music Festival.

So August is going to be busy for us, I think.

We are now looking to what to record next. I've started recording a pretty heavy track for the album. I've also started writing my first new song in two years. E is working on a new song as well.

