Saturday, 29 October 2011

Up to Speed

Sorry for the lack of updates this year. This has mostly be due to us trying to get away from the blog we used to host with Myspace and move to a new host.

So, now I have moved the last six years worth of posts to the new host. Normal service can now resume.

This year has been quite productive for the Hair Thieves.

After the release of EP4 in December, we decided for 2011 to make a concerted attempt at meeting more regularly and pushing forward with EP5.

So in the spring, we started meeting on a mostly weekly basis, to work on some new songs.

Of the nineteen or so songs we have in various states of completion, the decision was made to scrap them all for now and write some new material. Some of the songs were 6+ years old and it is refreshing to put them behind us and move forward. Bits of them might turn up later.

There was one song that was completed in demo form, which we are carrying forward.

So in the spring we started recording EP5. Things were progressing well, before we temporarily stopped work, to rehearse for our first gig in three years. (see picture above).

So we are back to recording EP5. Back to blogging and a new website in the works.

