Now firstly, apologies for the image above, taken at our first Christmas outing. To me Ian's camera seems to have badly smoothed our skin. His camera needs to dial back the Gaussian blur in future.
Love is Overdrive
So here was are at the end of 2015.
The Hair Thieves started and the band name registered in December 2000 as an outlet for tunes that I had been writing whilst teaching myself Cubase.
It started with the release in 2001 of Baited Breath a song I had written back in 1994 whilst at University, (later re-recorded on EP2) before the first proper Hair Thieves tune "Girl With Two Names".
So happy 15th birthday to The Hair Thieves. I'm not convinced I thought I would still be doing this fifteen years later, but I'm very happy that I am still doing this.
Of course the plan in 2000 was to release an album. Something we have not yet done. I doubt we ever will (unless it is a best of compilation). Seven EPs is obviously more than an albums worth of material.
EP1 was recorded 10 years ago in November 2005, when I took a week off work to write and record it. It was nearing completion, when I asked Ian to join the band.
So happy 10th anniversay to Ian for being in the band.
2015 saw us release EP7 into the world. We are very happy with it.
You can purchase it (including physical copies) from our Bandcamp store, or Amazon, iTunes, or stream it in Spotify, Deezer etc.
2016 will be the 10th Anniversary of EP1 being released.
So what else do we have planned for 2016.
Personally, now we live in the same town, I'd like to start playing live again.. It has been a while.
EP8 is starting to shape up. We have run out of old songs that we want to re-record (one has been on the other seven EPs). So this will be the first EP with 100% new material.
At the moment, we have five or six songs on the go, at various states of completion, including an interesting song where we don't actually play anything on it. More on that gem in an upcoming blog piece.
I'm optimistic EP8 will have five songs on it.
I'm going to be doing FAWM again in February, where I attempt to write fourteen songs in twenty eight days. In 2015, I managed nine songs, including "Love is Overdrive" off EP7 and "The Distance" off EP8, both in collaboration with Ian.
So we shall see if any of those make it as Hair Thieves tunes.
So hopefully, you will all have a great Christmas and a wonderful 2016.